Nordic Friendship Leagua


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Winter 2007


Beer Gynt on the fire author arderi, 12.10.2007 klo 08.48.
In brief: Beer Gynt beat last years Champion

Group B starts with a little surprise when Estonian Beer Gynt was able to win last year NFL champion Tromsø. Maybe there was also a little bit luck winning Tromsø especially in slam boards, but 18-12 won is absolutely a great start to BG.

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Nordic Friendship League on BBO

Nordic Friendship League

Nordic Friendship League (NFL) is a team match league for bridge players mainly from Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The league will start in October on Bridge Base Online.


There will be four groups in the second NFL. Registration has been completed. The teams taking part will play their matches on a weekly basis. The league will be completed in spring 2007.

For more information, please contact Mr. Lasse Utter <>.

NFL-työryhmä 2007