Nordic Friendship League


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Winter 2009


70 matches played author kaapo, 17.12.2009 klo 20.34.
In brief: England tops Group A; Cayne holds best average

Almost 70 match scores have already been recorded on the NFL 2009-2010 web site. Most teams have played 4-5 matches. In Group A, team England has collected the most VPs. They hold 78 VPs after 4 matches. Finnish team Jyväskylä is second with 65 VPs likewise from 4 matches. However, the strongest team thus far has been Cayne. JEC's team has collected 63 VPs in 3 matches, with the average of 21 VPs a match.

Group B is topped by Savo in VPs. They've collected 127 VPs having already played 7 matches! Some players have been busy - or perhaps that's exactly what they have *not* been? Slightly better on average is the team with second most VPs, Vilttiketju, 110 VPs from 6 matches. 3rd place is held by the Norwegian Vadsø who have the best average in the group: 106 VPs, 5 matches.

In Group C, Cassini has also played 7 matches. They top the group with 112 VPs. Next is Pojat with 76 VPs after 5 matches. But it's fair to say that the clearly the best team in the League has bean team Trondelag from Norway: they have played 3 matches and collected the maximum points 75 VPs!

Still lots of action coming when the round robin phase of the NFL draws towards the end in early 2010.

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Nordic Friendship League on BBO

Nordic Friendship League

Nordic Friendship League (NFL) is a team match league for bridge players mainly from Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The league will start at the end of October on Bridge Base Online.


The teams taking part will play their matches on a weekly basis. The league will be completed in spring 2010.

For more information, please contact Mr. Lasse Utter <>.

Bridge Base Online

NFL-työryhmä 2006-2009