

12 (in English) 70 matches played kirjoittaja kaapo, 17.12.2009 klo 20.34.
Lyhyesti: England tops Group A; Cayne holds best average

Almost 70 match scores have already been recorded on the NFL 2009-2010 web site. Most teams have played 4-5 matches. In Group A, team England has collected the most VPs. They hold 78 VPs after 4 matches. Finnish team Jyväskylä is second with 65 VPs likewise from 4 matches. However, the strongest team thus far has been Cayne. JEC's team has collected 63 VPs in 3 matches, with the average of 21 VPs a match.

Group B is topped by Savo in VPs. They've collected 127 VPs having already played 7 matches! Some players have been busy - or perhaps that's exactly what they have *not* been? Slightly better on average is the team with second most VPs, Vilttiketju, 110 VPs from 6 matches. 3rd place is held by the Norwegian Vadsø who have the best average in the group: 106 VPs, 5 matches.

In Group C, Cassini has also played 7 matches. They top the group with 112 VPs. Next is Pojat with 76 VPs after 5 matches. But it's fair to say that the clearly the best team in the League has bean team Trondelag from Norway: they have played 3 matches and collected the maximum points 75 VPs!

Still lots of action coming when the round robin phase of the NFL draws towards the end in early 2010.

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